Install mutt

Mutt is a small but very powerful, dominant text-based MIME mail client. Mutt is highly customizable, and is well suited to the mail power user or the root user with very advanced features like attachments, key bindings, keyboard macros, mail threading, regular expression searches and a powerful pattern matching language or selecting groups of messages.

Its a very powerful text based program for sending and receiving mails on unix based systems. Use the below commands for installing mutt.

Get the latest source or package from the

root@techdiscuss [~]# wget

Proceed with the installation:-

  1. On any unix system, to intall mutt:
    root@techdiscuss [~]# gzcat mutt- | tar -xvf -
  2. On Debian Linux / Ubuntu Linux, to install mutt:
    root@techdiscuss [~]# apt-get install mutt
  3. On Fedora / CentOS or Red Hat Linux (RHEL), to install mutt:
    root@techdiscuss [~]# yum install mutt
  4. On FreeBSD, to install mutt:
    root@techdiscuss [~]# pkg_add -v -r mutt
  5. On SuSE, to install mutt:
    root@techdiscuss [~]# wget
    586.rpm root@techdiscuss [~]# rpm -ivh mutt-1.5.6i-5mdk.i586.rpm
  6. On Windows [Manually Download the package from mutt for Windows
    mutt.exe is standalone program. Paste it in %systemroot% or your windows directory